Two Years Of Being Indispensable & Executive Secretary LIVE Comes To SydneyJun 27, 2018
22mins 51secs
Being Indispensable is celebrating its two year anniversary and to help plan ahead I’ve created a listener survey. If you could spare a few minutes I’d love to have you complete it.
Executive Secretary LIVE is coming to Sydney for the first time in July and I’ve negotiated a 10% discount off the conference price for listeners of Being Indispensable. Get all the details and use the code INDISPENSABLE18 to claim your discount
Finally, I’m working on my first online course and if you’d like to be the first to know when it launches make sure to register your details via this link
Thanks for being an important part of my journey in the last two years!
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Meet Liz
I work with executive assistants and administrative assistants to equip them with the skills and confidence they need to influence more effectively and demonstrate the leadership and interpersonal skills to make them a 'linchpin' to their boss and organisation.
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