
Changing It Up For 2018Feb 6, 2018

09mins 26secs

As some wise person once said, a change is as good as a holiday. Well I’ve had a holiday and am finally getting back to work so it’s now time for some changes. 

I’m starting a new format for the show commencing with my next episode #53. I’m a strong believer that you can’t ‘show up’ at work or in life if you’re not taking care of your wellBEING. I’m also a huge exponent of the thinking that we are ‘human beings not human doings’ as Wayne Dyer so eloquently put it. This has been an area of huge significance for me in the years post my Breast Cancer diagnosis and treatment and I feel that it’s been a strong theme in the podcast episodes and talks I’ve done since launching Being Indispensable in mid 2016. 

My belief that being perceived as indispensable or a linchpin employee as Seth Godin describes it needs to be driven by three things:

  • Knowing yourself – what are your strengths and weaknesses, what do you need to work on improving to be perceived as a linchpin as well as what you need to be a human being. What is working for you at any given time in the area of your wellbeing and what isn’t…and what do you need to do about it!
  • Knowing your boss – what drives them, what are their values and beliefs and what are their priorities. How can you better assist them, add value to them and really be perceived as a strategic partner. 
  • Knowing your organisation – do you really understand what the company or business you work for is all about. Where have they come from and where are they going. 

So going forward I will be producing episodes based on these two aspects of us as working people – human beings and aspiring linchpins. I will alternate between a ‘BEING’ related episode and an ‘INDISPENSABLE’ related episode. 

I look forward to having you along for the ride. 

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Liz Van Vliet - My EA Career

Meet Liz

I work with executive assistants and administrative assistants to equip them with the skills and confidence they need to influence more effectively and demonstrate the leadership and interpersonal skills to make them a 'linchpin' to their boss and organisation.

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