Three Ways To Show Up As Indispensable In 2020February 4, 2020
26mins 59secs
A solo episode where I share three techniques/tips that I find invaluable. I’ve chosen these three specifically because
- I use them all the time in my coaching
- They are techniques I use personally (really important because I believe in walking the talk and not recommending something that I haven’t used myself)
- All three of them will help you be more effective and show up differently in your interpersonal relationships at work and with your manager/s.
Find out more about my coaching and training at my website
Follow me on social at Lizveevee and Being Indispensable
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Meet Liz
I work with executive assistants and administrative assistants to equip them with the skills and confidence they need to influence more effectively and demonstrate the leadership and interpersonal skills to make them a 'linchpin' to their boss and organisation.
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