Watch Out Adelaide, Here I Come!Aug 16, 2017
17mins 16secs
This week is Part 1 of my two-part Road Rambling. It’s a wrap-up of what was an excellent EA Leadership Summit 2017 run by The Growth Faculty as well as an overview of the content I will be sharing on the 30th August 2017 when I present 2 X 45 minute sessions at the Office Professionals Workshop in Adelaide. This event is being run by Catherine Middleton (that would be the other Catherine Middleton, not the Duchess of Cambridge) of Office Dynamics Adelaide fame.
Tickets are still available and I would love love love to see you there if you are a ‘Radelaide’ Executive Assistant or Office Professional.
In next weeks episode I will share some of my key takeaways from the EA Leadership Summit 2017.
Email me to say hello or let me know topics you would like me to cover in future episodes. or connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn of course.
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Meet Liz
I work with executive assistants and administrative assistants to equip them with the skills and confidence they need to influence more effectively and demonstrate the leadership and interpersonal skills to make them a 'linchpin' to their boss and organisation.
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