The Linchpin Assistant Blog

Supporting You As An Administrative Professional To  Learn, Grow and Navigate The All-Encompassing Nature Of Your Role

Be A Linchpin

The Linchpin Assistant Blog: Insightful, Practical and Tactical Advice For You, The Administrative Assistant...Always Remembering That You're A Human Being, Not A Human Doing!

Imagine having the confidence to tackle ANY situation in your role, head on.

Imagine you've got practical and tactical information at your fingertips and it's backed by trusted, expert advice from someone that's walked in your shoes.

Someone that gets you and appreciates the complexities and pressures of working in an ever-changing role.

I'm really proud to introduce you to the The Linchpin Assistant blog. Here you'll find articles to guide you on your assistant journey and help you develop the crucial skills you need to be successful.

Each article is easy to read and understand and will empower you to stand out and stand up so you can feel seen, heard and build the confidence, competence and capability to elevate your effectiveness.

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Progress Over Perfection

Yesterday I really walked the talk when it comes to the expression ‘Progress over perfection’. I presented my first ever webinar via Zoom. Cringeworthy in some senses (oh who I am kidding, cringeworthy in many senses) but absolutely exhilarating in others. This experience illustrates certain of my personality traits in vivid detail. When I was…

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Three Reasons To Get On The Podcast Bandwagon

This blog post was initially titled ‘Get With The Podgram’. According to my 14 year old brains trust this was not a winning title. It’s a shame really. I quite liked it and may yet proceed with getting a t shirt made up with the slogan. My message is the same regardless. Let me give you…

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Three Books On My Reading List

It’s possibly not surprising to hear that I am on a mission to continually expand my mind. I’ve always loved reading and am very popular at our local bookshop (an anachronism I know) and love using my monthly credit with Audible (part of your membership) to download a business book a month to enjoy ‘on…

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If It's Good Enough For Leonardo

In 1994, Bill Gates shelled out USD$30 Million for 18 sheets of a notebook written by Leonardo Da Vinci. Called the Codex Leicester it contains sketches and notes by the great Renaissance man himself. When asked what drew him to possess the notebook, Gates remarked “It’s an inspiration that one person—off on their own, with…

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It Won't Happen Overnight, But It Will Happen – My New Job Share

Those of us old enough to remember the commercial for Pantene hair products will be familiar with these famous words uttered by a young New Zealand model by the name of Rachel Hunter who would go on to reach the lofty heights of Supermodeldom (probably not a word) and marry Rod Stewart. I was reminded…

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Roadtripping To Breast Cancerville

The word ‘Journey’ is frequently trotted out when discussing Breast Cancer. It’s the name given to the guide that’s provided to newly diagnosed women by the Breast Cancer Network of Australia, or BCNA as it’s known. With all due respect to the lovely people who craft these valuable resources, I can’t tell you how much…

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Confessions Of A Serial Over Thinker

I am a serial ‘over-thinker’.  I anguish, I obsess, I dwell. This ability to use of copious amounts of perfectly good brain cells obsessing over whether I can do X (insert any number of activities that induce my imposter syndrome/fear of failure) is exhausting.  It drains me and I know it drives everyone around me…

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Liz Van Vliet

Liz works with executive and administrative assistants to equip them with the skills and confidence they need to influence more effectively and to demonstrate the leadership and interpersonal skills to make them a linchpin to their manager and organisation.