In Australia we are about to enjoy our first public holiday for the new year and it feels like I’ve taken almost the entire month of January to get onboard with the fact that it’s 2018!
It’s probably just me but it feels like the new year won’t have started properly until my three children go back to school. Thankfully that’s imminent!
Episode 51 of Being Indispensable is now available for your listening enjoyment. In it I come clean on how I found the process of assessing 2017 and moving from reflection to excitement for the new year has been a bit of a process for me. I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer but I can’t be alone in finding all the new year enthusiasm a bit of a stretch at times.
You will no doubt be relieved to know that I have exhausted my navel gazing and am now truly onboard. Bring on 2018 I say and getting those children of mine back to school can’t come soon enough by the way.
I also decided that in launching myself whole-heartedly into 2018 it was also time to commence doing a regular newsletter. You may or may not remember signing up for my mailing list and I hope having trawled half way through this email you’re not regretting it. I promise that I will not clog up your inbox and will only pepper you with emails to alert you to new episodes (in case you would otherwise miss them in your favourite podcatcher) and perhaps when there’s something I think you might benefit from.
Whether your 2018 has begun with a burst or a slow burn like mine, I wish you all the best for the year ahead and hope to have your company as I charge into whatever the year has ahead for me
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Meet Liz
I work with Executive Assistants and Administrative Assistants to deliver the confidence, consistency and career development that transforms them into thriving Linchpin Assistants.